File: utils.py
We also provide some experiment workflow utilities which one can use and import from this module.
Wrapper class which provides a model interface for torch.nn models. Mainly, this class provides the forward pass pipeline function, 'predict' which sends an
input through this pipeline
preprocess --> model --> postprocess.
Users must provide a torch.nn model and can optionally specify preprocess and postprocess functions.
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Provide torch.nn module.
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Bases: Dataset
PyTorch Dataset class for datasets of the form [(x,y), ..., (x,y)].
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- distribution (sequence): sequence of the form [(x,y), ..., (x,y)] representing the dataset.
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Given a sequence of torch.utils.data.Dataset objects, this function wraps them all in torch.utils.data.Dataloader objects and returns a sequence in the same order. Note that this function doesn't support custom arguments to the torch.utils.data.DataLoader call. If one desires to use custom arguments (e.g., batch_size), they should call torch.utils.data.DataLoader themselves.
- torch_sets (sequence): a sequence consisting of a torch.utils.data.Dataset objects.
- loaders (sequence): the datasets wrapped in a torch.utils.data.Dataloader objects (returned in the same order.)
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Given a dataset of the form [(x,y), ..., (x,y)], returns a PyTorch Dataset object.
- distribution (sequence): sequence of the form [(x,y), ..., (x,y)] representing the dataset.
- a torch.utils.data.Dataset object
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end-to-end function which returns train and test loaders given a sequence of the form [(x,y), ..., (x,y)]. If more customization is needed, please call the other utility functions individually.
- distribution (sequence): dataset of the form [(x,y), ..., (x,y)].
- loaders (sequence): the datasets wrapped in a torch.utils.data.Dataloader objects (returned in the same order).
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split_dataset(torch_set, ratio=0.9)
Given a torch.utils.data.Dataset object, this function splits it into train and test a torch.utils.data.Dataset objects. The split is random is the size is based on the input ratio.
- torch_set: a torch.utils.data.Dataset object containing the entire dataset
- ratio: train/test ratio split. Default is 0.9.
Tuple consisting of: - trainset: a torch.utils.data.Dataset object to be used for training - testset: a torch.utils.data.Dataset object to be used for testing
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