File: experiment.py
Provides the main module of the package: Experiment.
Bases: ABC
Base experiment superclass. All other experiments should inherit from this class. Each sub-experiment must provide an implementation of the "evaluate" abstract method. A sub-experiment has full autonomy to override the basic components such as the training loop "train".
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__init__(model, optimizer, trainloader, save_weights_every_n_epochs=None, wandb_logger=None, verbose=True, experiment_name=misc.timestamp())
Experiment superclass initializer. Each subclass must provide a model, optimizer, and trainloader at the very least. Arguments:
- model: torch nn.module
- optimizer: torch optimizer
- trainloader: torch Dataloader to be used for training Optional:
- save_weights_every_n_epochs: how often to save the model weight automatically. Default: None. Specify None if you don't want to save weights automatically.
- wandb_logger (wandb.init object): pass in if you want to log to wandb. Default: None.
- verbose (boolean): if true, print out metrics during training. Default: True.
- experiment_name (str): name of the experiment for saving. Default: timestamp.
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Abstract method which the user must provide. Implement the forward pass and return the loss value.
- batch: a batch from the train data loader (i.e., an (x, y) pair). To be used as input into the model.
- A scalar loss value.
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Function to load model weights saved at 'weight_path'.
- weight_path: path pointing to the saved weights.
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Callback that can be overriden. Implement whatever you want to happen after each batch iteration.
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Callback that can be overriden. Implement whatever you want to happen before each batch iteration.
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Callback that can be overriden. Implement whatever you want to happen after each epoch iteration.
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Callback that can be overriden. Implement whatever you want to happen before each epoch iteration.
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Callback that can be overriden. Implement whatever you want to happen after each run.
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Callback that can be overriden. Implement whatever you want to happen before each run.
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Function to save model weights at 'save_path'.
- save_path: path to save the weights. If not given, defaults to current timestamp.
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train(num_epochs, gradient_accumulate_every_n_batches=1, display_batch_loss=False)
Training loop. Can optionally specify how often to accumulate gradients. Default: 1.
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