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Push/pull to Github with git

This is a simple guide on how to push native source files from the command line to a Github repository.

Setting up

  1. First, set up the repo on Github.
  2. Then, separately, open the terminal and in the directory you wish to push to that Github repo you just created.
    1. Type:
     git init 
  3. Then, add the files to the staging area:

     git add .
  4. Commit the additions:

     git commit -m "Initial commit"
  5. Connect to Github:

     git remote add origin <git-repo-url>
  6. Set branch:

     git branch -M main
  7. Push the commit:

     git push -u origin main

New additions

Every time you want to update the Github repo, simply do:

git add .
git commit -m "Another commit" 
git push -u origin main

git pull

Let’s say someone updates the remote repository on Github but of course your local folder will stay the same. To update your native folder to reflect the changes, use git pull:

git pull origin <branch-name>

See here for more.