Config files for machine learning experimentation

It has become common to use config files to specify experiment hyperparams when training your models. This is to increase reproducability, modularity, and efficiency when experimenting.

Some packages try to support this: - YACS - ml_collections



check out this codebase.

import ml_collections

def get_config():
    config = ml_collections.ConfigDict() = 3e-1
    config.critic_lr = 3e-4
    config.temp_lr = 3e-4

    config.hidden_dims = (256, 256)

    return config

this package also supports

  • command line flags (see absc.flags)


Python OOP

My currently preferred method is to just use standard python classes. That way, you don’t have to deal with the whole getattr business with traditional YAML files (programmatic configs!).

  1. Define a file in your working directory.
  2. In, define the BaseConfig class which creates all the valid fields as class attributes and provides default values for them.
  3. Create child classes of BaseConfig for each new experiment where you only change the hyperparameter you are optimizing.


Holds the configs classes/objects.

import modules
import optax
import rsbox
from rsbox import ml
import experiments
import cloudpickle as cp

class BaseConfig:
    model = modules.CNN()  # unlike raw yaml, you can specify modules programatically 
    trainloader, testloader = modules.get_dataloaders()
    epochs = 10
    lr = 0.001
    momentum = 0.9
    optimizer = optax.sgd(lr, momentum)
    criterion = modules.softmax_ce
    metrics = {
        'loss': ml.MeanMetric(),
        'accuracy': modules.AccuracyMetric()
    experiment = experiments.SampleExperiment

class TestNewLR(BaseConfig):
    """Testing larger learning rate"""
    lr = 0.1

config = TestNewLR()

It may also then be helpful to define to specify things like the loss, metric functions, and models, etc.

then in main in

import configs
import experiments
import argparse
import warnings

def main(args):
    if args.config is None:
        config_class = 'BaseConfig'
        config_class = args.config
    cfg = getattr(configs, config_class)
    exp = cfg.experiment(cfg)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # configure args 
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="specify cli arguments.", allow_abbrev=True)
    parser.add_argument("-config", type=str, help='specify class to use.') 
    args = parser.parse_args()

then, run using python3 -c TestNewLR.


You might be wondering, “wouldn’t c++-like structs be of good use here?”. Well, Python has this not-as-well-known feature called SimpleNamespace.

“Python’s SimpleNamespace class provides an easy way for a programmer to create an object to store values as attributes without creating their own (almost empty) class.” - (link)

This notebook provides an example.

default_config = SimpleNamespace(
            batch_size = 64,
            num_workers = 4,
            learning_rate = 1e-2,
            epochs = 10,
            artifact_address = 'geekyrakshit/functorch-examples/cifar-10:v0',
            device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu",
            classes = (
                'plane', 'car', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer',
                'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck')

Problem I see: can’t use inheritance so you have to re-define all non-changed hyperparams for each new config.