Week 1, Lecture 1 - Course Introduction
Note: MEL = meta-learning.
- Modern DL methods for learning across tasks
- Implementing these methods (MT, TL) in PyTorch
- Glimpse of building new algorithms
low-level descriptions:
- MT, TL
- Meta learning algos
- Advanced meta learning topics
- Unsupervised pre-training
- FS learning
- Domain adaption
- Lifelong learning
- Open problems
Focus on DL, with case studies in things like NLP. - No RL! (see CS 224R)
1. Logistics
- Lectures are live-streamed and recorded
- two guest lectures
- Prereqs:
- Sufficient background in ML (229)
50% of grade.
- 0: multi-task basics
- 1: multi-task data processing and BB-ML
- 2: gradient-based ML
- 3: fine-tuning pre-trained language models
- 4 (optional): Bayesian ML and meta overfitting
- Replace 15% of hw/project
- Not coding, all math
- 6 late days
- Poster session, 50% of grade.
- Idea: …
Now technical content…
2. Why study multi-task learning and meta-learning?
- How can we enable agents to learn a breadth of skills in the real world?
- Because each time we have to train a supervised signal
- So the goal is to learn representations across tasks
- Because each time we have to train a supervised signal
- Aside (common paradigm to learn representations): initialize well (not randomly) –> fine-tune on new task.
- This is harder for RL than NLP because NLP has the entire wikipedia to use but robotic common sense representations are not as straightforward (maybe we need a common robot embedding?)
- Early in CV: hand-design features, train SVM on-top
- Modern CV: end-to-end training, no hand-engineering
- Allows us to handle unstructured inputs without understanding it
- Now why meta-learning? Three reasons…
- Don’t have large dataset at the outset to pre-train on or use in end-to-end SL manner (med imaging, robotics, etc.)
- Even more so: long-tail data samples (e.g., self-driving won’t catch all edge cases)
- MEL techniques can help with this (kinda… not the main focus tho)
- Even more so: long-tail data samples (e.g., self-driving won’t catch all edge cases)
- Quickly learn something new (few-shot learning)
- Don’t have large dataset at the outset to pre-train on or use in end-to-end SL manner (med imaging, robotics, etc.)
- Lots of open problems
Multi-task intro
- What is a task?
- Dataset + loss objective –> model
- Objects as “tasks”
- Critical assumption: different tasks need to share some base structure (goal is to exploit shared structure)
- But lots of tasks share structure (even as upstream as sharing the laws of physics!)
- Question: can we learn a shared embedding space for e.g., text + images in one?
- Does MT learning reduce to single-task SL learning?
- Somewhat (tho not for every problem)
- Idea: sum loss and data:
\[ \mathcal{D}=\bigcup \mathcal{D}_i \quad \mathcal{L}=\sum \mathcal{L}_i \]
Next up: a technical dive into the multi-task learning framework.