A Simple functorch Example
In recent years, there has been a small movement of people trying to go from stateful (Python OOP, class-based modules) to stateless (pure functions) neural network code. The standard PyTorch nn.module
is indeed a OOP-based class. But more recent libraries such as JAX, introduce the ability to feasiby create stateless (just functions!) machine learning models. Now, in PyTorch version 1.13, we have functorch
in-tree (in the main package). Why stateless? Read this blog post for the differences, but some reasons for why I like stateless code is because:
- Less leaky abstractions (and less unknown abstractions in general!)
- Closer to the mathematical form (after all, a neural network is just a series of functions chained together!)
- When you learn SGD in class in the mathematical form and then use PyTorch, the disconnect is fairly evident.
- Less compute overhead (less things to keep track of internally –> less memory needed)
- Ability to work a lower level (which, in my opinion, can help facilitate new ideas)
- Ability to work with function transformations such as
, andgrad
(PyTorch hasgrad
… yes I know… but applying grad to a stateless function makes much more intuitive sense than applying it to some stateful module!).
This might sound like an advertisement for JAX (which might be coming up in a future blog post!), but it is really to set the stage for functorch. functorch is a library that allows you to accomplish nearly all of the above, but in PyTorch! The basic idea is to purify stateful PyTorch modules into stateless functions like this (source):
import torch
import functorch
from functorch import make_functional
= torch.nn.Linear(3, 3)
model = make_functional(model) func_model, params
As functorch is relatively new, there aren’t many examples out there showing how to use the library. So the goal of the rest of this post is to provide a simple example for creating an image classifier using functorch and PyTorch and updating the weights using SGD (no torch.optim
Here is the code:
import torch
import torchplate
from torchplate import experiment
from torchplate import utils
import functorch
from functorch import grad, grad_and_value
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from rsbox import ml
# import torchopt
import requests
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
import cloudpickle as cp
from urllib.request import urlopen
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(3*32*32, 120)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 16)
self.fc4 = nn.Linear(16, 3)
def forward(self, x):
= torch.flatten(x, 1)
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
x = F.relu(self.fc3(x))
x = self.fc4(x)
x return x
class OptExp:
def __init__(self):
self.model_module = Net()
self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
= cp.load(urlopen("https://stanford.edu/~rsikand/assets/datasets/mini_cifar.pkl"))
dataset self.trainloader, self.testloader = torchplate.utils.get_xy_loaders(dataset)
self.model, self.params = functorch.make_functional(self.model_module) # init network
def predict(self, x):
"""returns logits"""
assert self.model is not None
assert self.params is not None
= self.model(self.params, x)
logits return logits
def sgd_step(params, gradients, lr):
"""one gradient step for updating the weights"""
= []
updated_params for param, gradient in zip(params, gradients):
= param - (lr * gradient)
return tuple(updated_params)
def stateless_loss(params, model, criterion, batch):
Need to perform forward pass and loss calculation in one function
since we need gradients w.r.t params (must be args[0]). The first
value we return also needs to be the scalar loss value.
= batch
x, y = model(params, x)
logits = criterion(logits, y)
loss_val return loss_val, logits
def train_step(params, model, criterion, batch, lr):
"""Combine this all into one function for modularity"""
# has_aux means we can return more than just the scalar loss
= grad_and_value(OptExp.stateless_loss, has_aux=True)
grad_and_loss_fn = grad_and_loss_fn(params, model, criterion, batch) # get the grads
grads, aux_outputs = aux_outputs
loss_val, logits = OptExp.sgd_step(params, grads, lr)
params return params, loss_val, logits
def train(self, num_epochs=10, lr=0.01):
print('Beginning training!')
= 0
epoch_num for epoch in range(num_epochs):
= 0.0
running_loss += 1
epoch_num = tqdm(self.trainloader)
tqdm_loader for batch in tqdm_loader:
f"Epoch {epoch_num}")
# update params with one step
self.params, loss_val, logits = OptExp.train_step(self.params, self.model, self.criterion, batch, lr)
+= loss_val
# print loss
= running_loss/len(self.trainloader)
epoch_avg_loss print("Training Loss (epoch " + str(epoch_num) + "):", epoch_avg_loss)
print('Finished training!')
= OptExp()
exp =50, lr=0.01) exp.train(num_epochs